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tamoadmin 2024-08-13










Newspaper news US local time on 8th the afternoon, the Beijing standard time on 9th the morning, spills the congress center hold in American saint Tucker at the graduation ceremony, when wears the sunglasses Hunan nationality blind person youth Li Yanyan by the school authorities was announced oains when the vertebra nerve rectifies the specialized doctorate, the entire audience public figure immediately stands up and the long time lause cheers, they all only come from to this mainland China blind person doctor the graduate to express the heartfelt admiration.

Li Yanyan in 1982 passed an examination Hunan University by the excellent result, was actually unfortunate in 1986 because of contracts glaucoma but to cause both eyes to lose one's sight. After loses next two two years 低潮期, Li Yanyan decided again ascends the confidence, studies a specialized technology independently to make a living. But a blind person must grasp a technology to be easier said than done! Li Yanyan study the blind person braille technology starts from the most foundation, work carefully and make steady progress is facing the goal advance which own establishes. After oains goes to 4 years study opportunity which the Japanese study acupuncture and moxibustion refers presses, he closed right up against the tenacious will to pass the Japanese country disciple of a master test, and oained "the needle", "the moxibustion" and "refers to the pressure" three certificates.

Li Yanyan after Japanese conclusion studies, also by the way which studied independently passed the US TOEFL, oained west saint Holland the vertebra nerve to rectify the institute matriculation qualifications, studied the medicine faculty. Skilled has grasped center, the date, English three countries languages he, the similar process 4 year unremitting endeors, spent compared to the he been ordinary student multi- several folds time and the energy, finally has oained the medicine doctorate which longed for even in dreams.

Holds in the same day at the graduation ceremony, school dean pointed out specially, although the outside world says regarding Li Yanyan is does not he the light colorless, but his innermost feelings and the life journey is the like this brilliance actually. Li Yanyan then gratified indicated, own during more than 10 years pass through the difficulty and the loneliness, now finally had the plentiful repayment. All these 感悟 for him is most greatly: The life could not he overcome the difficulty, most fearful is the giving up and is depressed.

China jade and educated attache Shenyang in San Francisco general consulate consul general the Penck to attend the Li Yanyan graduation ceremony. The international blind person educates the association, the China Handiced Federation, Hong Kong blind person 辅导会 oains the doctorate expression congratulation to Li Yanyan. Chinese remnant association correlation comrade in charge indicated that, since Li Yanyan is new China had been established the blind person which first has oained the doctorate, brought honor for the Chinese disabled person.

It is reported, after Li Yanyan oains the doctorate, will participate in doctor according to the plan the license the test, afterwards will practise period of time in US, by will enhance own practical experience. Li Yanyan indicated that, he prepares in 2006 year's end to return to hometown Hunan to start an undertaking, studies by oneself serves the motherland. (Newspaper Reporter Chen Guozhong)




Parallel - the science and humanity. Design

The Olympic village is the for the 2008 Beijing Olympics he built the largest construction of projects, and more specifically, it is a community. During the Olympic Games, from 204 national and regional 16,000 athletes in here. The paralympics, disabled athletes from around the world and officials in total 7,000 are located here. Here is a big family, color is different, but the consensus. Before the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, never had so many people live in a place, it is the power of sports. Wherever there is much in the world, how much regret, but at this time, all the people together, let's together, so that the Olympic spirit a human light.

To se energy and reduce consumption

The Olympic village by the permanent and temporary facilities construction of facilities. Permanent facilities part mainly refers to the athletes apartment building area, its total 530,000 square meters, he 42 apartment buildings, underground garage and 5 supporting public buildings. Public buildings including two center, a tiny energy consumption of building the residential areas in kindergarten, and set up a on each side of the club. Combined with large underground garage set square, sink sink with small square half layer of service business facilities.

The Olympic village is a complete facilities, "equipment" residential area, excellent service model of finished after the Olympic Games, she will become a top-grade residential area, "the village in the green building aspects he reached the international most advanced level, although the position is at the beginning of design of high-grade residential, but it should not only in implementation experience in high-grade residential area, the area for the future that will he some reference to the construction of." The Beijing urban construction design research institute of architects, vice-president of the design of host liu said.

As the residential projects, the Olympic village during operation platform should face further to embody "green Olympic" concept, the more the implementation. Compared with the DaTiLiang, large space, the construction of public buildings more should be sing residence. At the beginning of the design for the energy consumption of the standard, it is the residence of the principle of energy is lower than the standard of Beijing, Beijing energy-sing residential energy consumption in the national standard of energy-sing is walking in front of the village, and on the basis of further.

There was a sing quantitative criteria, but the Olympic village is a quantitative index of truth, let a person can see the whole life cycle of building all phases of index. Tsinghua university and the state science and technology commission jointly enact such units of the assessment guidelines, American LEED evaluation system to the Olympic green design help. According to the introduction, liu before China has not a project through the LEED gold standard. And evaluation system is not finished project after a score so simple, at the beginning of the project construction agency to guide the project has been intervention. The Olympic village during the first is the gold standard, is the fact that the village of efforts in this aspect is advanced, reached the international standard.

All of the southern and northern dynasties to residential are good daylighting, ventilated. Because every one residential structure towards the maintenance of different, so when the design standard is different, the thickness of the wall and the strong sunlight, south, and normal residential thickness, west, north, east of the wall are increased three thickness. "Hot charging to reform, once the plan implementation after the reform, unit and the heat consumption will cost is other units and floor 2 times, this needs a solution." Liu said the focus on the top edge element and the outer edge element, thick thick insulation, roof, so can greatly reduce the energy consumption.


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习


1.The Europeans thought they were teferring to the big-footed hoppers.

2.They he powerful hind legs developed for jumping,a tail serving as a suport when they are moving slowly.

3.Their jumping movement is verygraceful with the tail swinging up and down each time it lees the ground.

4.Their usual position of rest is a rather upright stance.

5.Males usually go backwards later to fighting,while females,on the contrary,often skip the fighting stage altogether.

6.special T-shirt

7.Jeff Keith's Run Across American.

8.Jeff stopped in cities on the way to New York.

9.American Cancer Society

10.be disabled

11.Jim stayed right behind the thief.

12.The first bridges were pieces of wood that someone placed a stream.

13.Some of the bridge was still standing today.

14.There are usually o towers which hold up very cables.

15.trel long distances

16.It's made in a number of different parts.

17.In some bridges ,the roadway lifts to let ships pass beneath.




















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